Friday, December 29, 2006

Mtec Cosmos Blue Fog Lights

Ever since I got my HIDs, I never used my fog lights. I didn't like the yellowness of them and how they didn't match the HID colour.
So I've been searching around for good replacement halogen bulbs (didn't want HIDs in my fogs.. yet ) and read many good reviews on the Mtec Cosmos Blue bulbs. They're only rated at 4750K but in testing, the actual output was 4838K, higher than Philips DiamondVision which is rated at 5000K but testing proved it to give out 4552K light.

People were saying they're the closest halogen bulb to matching 6000K HID and there was even a long thread on Mazda3Forums showing pics of every that had them from the club.
Sure enough these bulbs turned out to be a very close match to the HIDs and I'm as happy as Larry

Can't get the real look of the bulbs on photo dammit, but here are the pics anyway.

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